PHP / JavaScript (full stack) software engineer Kostiantyn Baidush



A lot of interesting complex solutions for web applications were realized by myself or with my participation. Such as high-load web-portal (it has had 1 million users daily), strong business logic algorithms and calculations, strong Frontend interfaces on ExtJs, JQuery, BackboneJs, AngularJs, creative web sites used html 5, dynamic cross-domen ajax frontend applications, huge data filters for Other complex open source solutions for American and European customers were implemented and architect individually by myself


Masters degree in Computer Science Gained 9+ years of relevant work experience in PHP and JavaScript development. Skilled developer with experience in PHP, JavaScript and Databases programming adhering to best practices in object-oriented design including design patterns Finished a course of English in the school "Speak Up" (Intermediate level). Experience in the area of eCommerce applications, software API, Web Services using REST and SOAP. My flexibility and openness combined with the willingness to perform and to work autonomously


Period: Since December 2015 by March 2016 Company: Beliani (Swizz) - Remote project Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: Implemented the module of SOAP clients for several shipping companies, refactoring to PSR4 Technologies: SOAP / 3d Party / Design Patterns / GIT

Period: Since February 2014 by August 2015 Company: Software MacKiev (USA) Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: !omplex solutions for web applications. Developed several bundles for Symfony 2 for mapping REST http request, mail correspondence, pdf generator, web chatting, etc. Support of eCommerce app Technologies: Symfony 2 / E-commerce / E-learning / Backbone / Angular / JQuery / ExtJS / Node / Mongo / PhoneGap / Web Sockets / Moodle / REST / SOAP / Push Notifications / 3d Party / Services / Design Patterns / UML / SVN / Git / Jira / Confluence

Period: Since April 2013 by January 2014 Company: 'SandSiv Group' (Swizz) Official Site: Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: Development of strongly organized enterprise automation system for social surveys used by client companies all over the world. This is a project developed on Symfony 1.4 by the team which used OOP/SOLID patterns and other popular design patterns. Used methodologies in software development as Test Driven Development, Agile. Used Automation testing, GUI for mobile version, etc Technologies: Symfony 1.4 / Social Networking / JQuery / Mongo / MySQL / Propel / TDD / SOAP / REST / Design Patterns / GitHub / Jira

Period: Since August 2011 by Mart 2013 Company: Platinum Bank Official Site: Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: Development of CRM system used in the Bank for internal workflows. Reorganize and optimize structure of databases, implementation of multithreading forks in PHP, implementation of queues, development of finance operations functionality, implementation of SOAP interfaces and REST API Technologies: PHP 5.3 / Memcached / MySql / MSSql / Oracle / SOAP / REST / ExtJs / SVN / LAMP / Jira / Web Sockets / Queues

Period: December 2010  August 2011 Company: 'Otpusk' Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: Development of Internet portals 'Otpusk' and 'Turpravda', support oldest and create new functionality. There are finished implementation script (affiliate program) which used a search filter for tourists and can be integrated to remote sites using crossdomain queries of AJAX. Backend and Frontend part was implemented individually. There are implemented an Information widget Informers which able for integrate into remote sites of clients Technologies: PHP 5 / Memcached / MySQL / SOAP / Jquery / JSONP / SVN / Jira / Design Patterns / MySQL Sharding

Period: March 2009  December 2010 Company: 'Digital Ventures' Position: PHP/JavaScript (Full stack) Description: Development of the horizontal Internet portal - When I worked in this company portal had 2nd place of rang among portals by Ukrainian traffic (over 1 million users daily) I developed and implemented individually some bookmarks service (both frontend and backend parts) that used creative algorithm allows to filtering by Nested Sets trees of portal.,, Service of information widgets Informers that can be integrated to remote sites of clients. News blog. Development an other functionality of horizontal portal Supported sections:,, Technologies: PHP / Memcached / MySql / SOAP / Zendframework / Doctrine / Codeigniter / ExtJs / Jquery / Sphinx / SVN / LAMP / Jira / Nested Sets / NGINX / SSI

Period: September 2007  March 2009 Company: I-Tyre Position: PHP / JavaScript (FULL STACK) Software Engineer Description: E-comerce startup. System that allows to create a lot of sites and e-markets for business partners - It was team of developers used Scrum Technologies: PHP / Memcached / MySql / Zendframework / Pear / Design Patterns / SVN / LAMP / Smarty

Education Period: September 2003 - June 2008 Kremenchug National University by Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy Masters degree in computer science. Official Site: I defended a graduation project (highest score): 'System for automatic management users software storage in company', it was realized on Delphi, PHP, MySQL 1993 - 2003  Kremenchug primary and secondary school 14 1994  1999  Kremenchug music school

  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Magento
  • Wordpress
  • Sandbox
  • English  intermediate level. Finished the school Speak Up
  • Russian  native
  • Ukrainian - native

Play drums, music